Benefits of Cooling Tower Water Treatment Systems

Cooling water treatment systems are the most effective solutions in terms of preventing and reducing the three major problems that your cooling tower may encounter at one time or another:  microbial growth, deposition, and corrosion. Without a proper treatment system, your cooling tower will have a reduced efficiency and an extremely short lifespan. Here are three of the most common issues that you can expect a water treatment system to solve.

Scale Formation Issues

A cooling tower system is extremely vulnerable to contaminants that can lead to the formation of deposits such as sludge and scale. Scale usually forms when pieces of wet solids become stuck in the piping installation of the cooling tower. Scale is very rich in mineral content, which means that it will build up very fast in the pipes and can become a serious problem in a short period of time.

These deposits obstruct the transfer of heat and highly increase the rates of corrosion. In addition to that, scale can also restrict the flow of water, which leads to severe losses in terms of production and efficiency. By performing cooling tower maintenance with water treatment systems, you can expect to save quite a lot of money that you would have otherwise spent yearly on removing these deposits from your pipes.


Corrosion is essentially the result of metals dissolving as a result of oxidation. This breakdown of the metal causes your tower to fail at an extremely fast rate. When it dissolves, the metal is no longer capable of taking the pressure that it was meant to take and can even damage the structure of the tower.

In addition to that, corrosion can also lead to critical failures in the heat exchanging systems, the water piping, and the cooling equipment itself. Just like mineral deposits, corrosion leads to a huge drop in efficiency since the heat transferring devices will no longer be properly insulated.

Problems with Biological Fouling

These problems appear happen if the water solution has been left unused over extended amounts of time. When left unattended, bacteria, algae, protozoa, and even fungus can form on its surface. If left to develop, these organisms will become huge and can lead to biological fouling on the water surface, which is quite hard to clean.

If these biological growths are not properly controlled, they will act as an adhesion surface for the formation of scale, which will result to even bigger problems. When you think about it, these are issues that are better prevented than treated. In turn, it makes sense to get a high quality cooling tower water treatment system to be on the safe side.
