Simple Guidelines for Refinishing Exterior Solid Timber Doors

There are numerous benefits attached to installing solid timber exterior doors in your home. These have natural aesthetic appeal that cannot be rivaled by painted or powder-coated steel doors. The solid wood is resilient and secure because it cannot be breached easily through mechanical impact by burglars and robbers. On the other hand, you will need to perform some maintenance tasks periodically to preserve the function and appearance of your exterior door. You should remember that the surface is exposed to adverse conditions, so negligence can undermine the performance of your door. Here are some simple guidelines to help your refinish your old solid timber door.

Inspect the Door

You should assess the condition of the door before starting the actual restoration work. This will help you determine the extent of damage and create a strategy to prevent repeat problems. The surface of a timber door is always covered with a finishing coating. This is designed to protect the wooden material from environmental moisture, intense solar energy and even dirt and general grime. Check for cracks on the finish as well as peeling paint, if you have applied such a coating on the door.

Additionally, place your hand on the door and run your hand over the surface. If the door feels rough and dry, the finish is failing. This means that delaying the restoration project could cause damage to the internal structure of the door. If you see dark streaks on the surface, you should probably consider building an overhang or a porch. The streaks signal exposure to rain which will accelerate the damage after your restoration project.

Prepare the Surface

You will need to prepare your timber door for repairs after identifying the main problem. Ideally, you should thoroughly clean the door so that you will create a perfect base for the restorative finish layer. In simple terms, this involves stripping the old and damaged finish coating from the surface. You can purchase a finish stripper or even paint remover for this task. Use the product on all the surfaces of your door. You should also gently sand the wood to ensure that the new finish adheres properly.

Finish the Door

When you finish stripping the door, you should wipe the surface with a cloth dampened with mineral spirits. You should never use water because it will soak in and take time to dry completely. Finally, apply a coating of polyurethane mixed with a UV inhibitor. You can use several coats to create more uniformity in the finishing layer. 

For more information about caring for your solid timber door, you may want to contact a local supplier like Johnston Joinery
