Two tips to follow if you've arranged for a contractor to build you a deck

If you've arranged for a contractor to construct a deck for you, here are two tips to follow.

Don't buy building supplies without talking to the contractor first

Before the contractor finalises the plans for your deck, you might come across a DIY store having a fantastic sale or secondhand building supplies at a great price that you think could be perfect for your deck project.

However, no matter how great a deal the store or seller is offering, it's best to talk to your contractor before making any impulse buys. If you don't know much about building decks and you impulsively buy some supplies without discussing this potential purchase with your contractor first, you might get stuck with a stack of supplies that your contractor cannot use for your project, which makes the project harder for them.

If for example, you purchase hardware that's only suitable for indoor use, the contractor won't be able to build your deck with it, as it would rust within weeks of them installing it. Similarly, if you purchase untreated timber, the contractor might have to add several extra coats of moisture and pest-resistant varnish just to make it useable in this outdoor setting. By talking to them before you pick up any supplies, you can ensure that everything you buy ends up being suitable for your deck.

Keep any supplies you buy in advance well organised

If your contractor helps you buy some building supplies in advance, you should ensure you keep them well-organised. For example, if you buy brackets, screws and nails of varying sizes, and each size will be used for a different part of the deck, you should put each size into its own individual plastic bag or little box and label this container with the component's dimensions. Likewise, you might want to stack your decking timber according to its size.

Whilst you don't have to do this, it will make the deck construction go very smoothly, as the contractor won't, for example, have to stop midway through a certain building task whilst they wait for you to retrieve the screws of a certain size that you had left loose on your kitchen countertops and now cannot find, or have to spend time rummaging through a pile of timber pieces of varying lengths to find the wood slats in the size they need for a specific section of the deck.

For more information about building supplies, contact a local professional.
